Open University of Catalonia, Spain

This symposium presents the progress of several research projects focused on the study of the relationship between ICTs and health in children and adolescents and their families. The first oral communication presents the basic characteristics of an APP aimed at improving communication between professionals and families of children with minority diseases, as well as empower families to improve the management of the disease. The starting point will be the data collected from the families, the data analysis, and their subsequent implementation through an APP. The second one addresses the excessive use of ICTs among adolescents and how some personality factors and the context - in which adolescents are involved - are related to their use. This communication will provide some proposals for intervention aimed at promoting a healthy use of ICTs in adolescents. The third communication presents data on the use of internet and social networks for the search of information on health in high school students in Ibiza. It highlights the adequacy of the intervention to promote digital literacy that the security unit of the patient of the health area is developing in the institutes of the area. Finally, the fourth communication focuses on the analysis of the relationship between the perception of adolescent mental health and the search for help through the network. This one will provide relevant information about the ICT user's profile in mental health, information that can contribute to improving the access of young people to existing health resources in the network.

Eulàlia Hernández-Encuentra holds a PhD in Psychology from the Autonomous University of Barcelona. She is a Professor of Psychology and Educational Sciences at the Open University of Catalonia, where she is a Professor in the Master in Child Psychology: Intervention Techniques and Strategies. Her research experience focuses on the area of developmental psychology, especially in the processes of socialization and communication in early childhood. Since 2002 she has focused on the area of health and ICT psychology. Since 2003, she has chaired the PSiNET (Psychology, Health and Network) research group, whose main objective is analyze and promote health and quality of life of people through the use of ICT.


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Seville - Spain - 16-18 November 2017

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