Jesús Villahoz

Jesús Villahoz

Oficial College of Psychologists of Western Andalusia

He is the coordinator of the Clinical and Health Psychology Area of ​​the Official Psychology College of Western Andalusia, Spain. He holds a degree in Psychology from the University of Seville, in Spain. He is expert in Clinical Psychology. He holds a certificate of Teaching period Third Cycle. Since the beginning of his professional life he has been dedicated to the study and approach of Addictive Disorders as well as Dual Pathology. He initially worked in a private center and later on in the Public Network of Attention to Drug Addictions of Andalusia, where he has been working for many years. In this time he has combined diagnostic and treatment activities with management and teaching tasks in several companies: the mentioned service, in the public company, in the private company, in the Institutes and in the University (Social Education, Psychology, and Teacher Training). He collaborates as a guest lecturer in the University of Huelva (Spain) on Addiction issues, both in the area of ​​assistance and the prevention area. Other courses have been on aspects of addiction for Local Police. He has develop training activities in the public company on several themes: Communication Skills, Conflict Resolution and improvement in customer / user care. He has also participated as a co-director in research such as "Drug use among students aged 10-18" in the province of Huelva, whose results were published in a book and later in different papers in peer-review journals such as: Revista Española de Drogodependencias y Revista de Psicología Social. He has published in different areas, including Psychological interventions in people with HIV and Health Education issues. He also serves as an external supervisor, both for undergraduate students and the Master in General Sanitary Psychology, as well as for Resident Psychologist. He has collaborated in the elaboration of the Clinical Guide on Pathological Gambling, edited by the Junta de Andalucía, with the chapter "Psychological Treatment of Pathological Gambling". He is a member of the Scientific Committee of the Congress FEAFES and the journal "Apuntes de Psicología" of the Official Psychology College of Western Andalusia. He is currently a member of the Andalusian Observatory on Drugs and Addictions of the Junta de Andalucía.

Through this symposium we want to present four cases with a very important repercussion in the child and adolescent development. These repercussion will influence their process of adaptation to family and social life, and will have different consequences depending on whether they are addressed in an appropriate or not. We are going to present clinical cases whose complexity is different in terms of origin, evolution and prognosis. Each of them represents a field in which the role of the psychologist is necessary for the proper development of the child and his/her best adaptation to his/her socio-familial environment. Firstly, in the area of Psychology and Early Attention, Ms. Macarena Rozadillas will present the work titled: "How does prematurity and/or low birth weight affect the school stage?". It shows the importance of a differential and early diagnosis, and follow-up the results, as well as it is approached by the appropriate team and specialists. In this case, it is the Early Care Team that give a response to children with developmental disorders because they are premature or with low weight, although they do not have an obvious neurological sequel. Secondly, Ms. Pilar Mellado will present the work titled: "Addiction to New Technologies". Attenders will learn how a seemingly normalized behavior like the use of video games may become an addiction (problematic behavior), including limitations that entails of abandonment of his responsibilities, interference in the learning process, coexistence, social development, and mood swings and irritability. She will explain how to intervene in the child's process and his context. Thirdly, Ms. Isabel García will expose a case on "Psychological accompaniment to a transsexual child and his family in the transit process." This is particularly difficult because of different variables: cultural, moral, scientific and psychological positions that play a prominent role. In order to get an idea of ​​this, we only have to go to the press and the media in recent months. In the development of the case attendees will know about the keys of the psychological intervention. Fourthly, Ms. María Dolores Lara will discuss the approach of a clinical case titled: "Challenging Negative Behavior". As we all know this is one of the most frequent disorders in childhood and adolescence. It involves greater despair in parents fundamentally, and an unfavorable prognosis if it is not addressed early.


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Seville - Spain - 16-18 November 2017

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