Paper submissions


Original research can be presented, including group studies aimed at experimental evaluations of a clinical prevention or treatment intervention; correlational or predictive cross-sectional studies aimed at analyzing the relationship among variables of clinical interest, and validation studies of psychological tools; case studies, such as those that display a single-case design of an intervention carried out on a child-adolescent sample; and literature revisions and researches focused on different areas related to psychopathology, evaluation and psychological treatment of children and adolescents.

Abstracts can be submitted in any of the official languages of the congress (Spanish and English, with English being the recommended language). All proposed works will be peer-evaluated in coordination with the scientific committee. Proposals for communication panels, oral communications, and posters may be submitted through the electronic platform. You should select the presentation modality, although the scientific committee reserves the acceptance depending on changes of modality.



Deadline for submission of papers

June 20th


Acceptance notification

July 11th


Deadline for author registration

July 18th

A presentation certificate for each communication and/or poster will be uploaded to the author’s personal area who submitted the work (1 copy in PDF format per communication/poster with all authors). The authors will receive the certificate only if they have presented their work during the conference.


Work focused on child and adolescent populations addressing aspects of psychopathology, evaluation, psychological treatment in clinical and health areas will be accepted. The work may be on the following topics: psychological evaluation, anxiety disorders, mood disorders, behavioral problems, addictions, sexual abuse, eating disorders, autism, ADHD, learning disabilities, sexual health, violence, behavior risk, new approaches and prevention and promotion of mental health.


If you want to register to the next 10th International Congress of Clinical and Health Psychology in Children and Adolescents click on the link below and follow the indications. The deadline to submit abstracts is until June 20th.

If you have already registered for this congress, please access through the following LINK indicating your email and password.


The poster presentation format can be eligible for award. A jury will select the seven best posters presented taking into account the criterion of originality and the quality of the study. The finalist will present their work in a 5-minute oral presentation.

Authors who would like to be awarded (for poster works) must prove that they meet the requirements for the specific category: young researcher, professional and international. The organization will require documentation accrediting these requirements. Finalists will receive an accredited certificate. For the reception of award, the presence of the authors of the awarded posters in the closing ceremony will be required.

The following awards will be announced:


Young researchers under the age of 30 may participate in this category. The work must consist of original research (see “General Information” section). The young researcher must be the first signatory of the work and the author responsible for its presentation. The author must attach a letter of recommendation from their thesis advisor endorsing the work. The award will consist of €300 prize.


In this category, any researcher that works in an academic or research institute, located in any country other than Spain may participate. The research must consist of an original study (see section “General information”). The award will consist of €300 prize.


In this category, any professional involved in child and adolescent psychology may participate, and must be accredited. The study must consist of a presentation of a case study or group treatment in any work context (clinical, educational, social, etc.). The author must attach a letter from the director or supervisor of the clinical center in which he/she authorizes to present the work. If the author is freelance, it must be mentioned in an explanatory letter. The award will consist of €300 prize.



  • Abstracts for the proposal of single communications will be submitted by the papers submission platform. The length of each abstract must be between 250 and 300 words.
  • Abstracts need to be structured in the following way: Background, Objectives, Methods, Results and Conclusions. Please DO NOT include the name of sections (Background, Objectives…).
  • Only abstracts submitted with written results or data and definitive conclusions will be accepted. Abstract submissions indicating that “results will be presented” will not be eligible for acceptance.


The monographic table proposal will be made following these steps:

1) The chair of the monographic table will send the general abstract of the proposal through the papers submission platform.

2) To complete the proposal you must send us by email ( the following information:

  • Name and brief curriculum vitae of the chair (250-300 words).
  • A high-quality photo of the symposium chair for the website.
  • Title of each communication that makes up the monographic table, indicating name, surnames and email of the components.

3) After reviewing the proposal by the scientific committee, the technical secretariat will contact the chair to inform him / her about the decision (provisionally accepted, provisionally accepted with changes, not accepted, proposal for change of modality).

4)The technical secretariat will confirm the definitive acceptance to the chair when all the speakers of the monographic table are registered to the congress. From that moment (and before the deadline for paper submission), the speakers of the table will send the abstract of their oral communication through the submission form. They must select the title of the monographic table in which their oral communication belongs to.

5) All abstracts will be reviewed by the scientific committee, which reserves the right to request changes directly from the authors. The inclusion of these modifications is essential for the acceptance of the symposium.


  • The monographic session will have a duration of 50 minutes and will consist of four 10-min oral communications, all presented by different authors.
  • The abstract of the symposium and each oral presentation must have a length between 250-300 words.
  • The abstract needs to be structured in the following way: Background, Objectives, Methods, Results, and Conclusions. But, please DO NOT include the name of sections (Background, Objectives…).
  • Only abstracts submitted with written results or data and definitive conclusions will be accepted. Abstract submissions indicating that “results will be presented” will not be eligible for acceptance.
  • The name of the author who submits will be stated on the papers submission platform. The author who presents the work must be registered at the time of final acceptance, otherwise the work may be cancelled.
  • Each participant can only be part of a symposium.


  • Abstracts for the proposal of posters will be submitted by the papers submission using the submission form stating the name of the presenting author.
  • The length of each abstract must be between 250 and 300 words.
  • Abstracts need to be structured in the following way: Background, Objectives, Methods, Results and Conclusions. Please DO NOT include the name of sections (Background, Objectives…). Only abstracts submitted with written results or data and definitive conclusions will be accepted. Abstract submissions indicating that “results will be presented” will not be eligible for acceptance.
  • Each registered author may submit up to three abstracts, and may sign a maximum of 5 abstracts.
  • A jury will make a pre-selection of the posters presented according to originality and quality criteria of the study. The finalists will present their work in a 10-minute oral presentation.

The authors of the accepted papers will received detailed instructions when the jury will accepted their communication. If you have any queries please do not hesitate to contact the Technical Secretariat at:


Physical posters will be displayed during the congress. Please ensure that your posters are printed in size A0 and use the template provided by the organization.

The poster exhibition sessions will take place:

  • 1st session. Thursday, November 21. It will remain on display from 9 a.m. until the end of the day.
  • 2nd session. Friday 22. It will be on display from 9am until the end of the day.

The jury ill be composed of the dollowing members:

  • Cristina Larroy. Universidad Complutense de Madrid.
  • Laura López-Romero. Universidade de Santiago de Compostela
  • Alexandra Morales. Universidad Miguel Hernández


The Congress offers an optional printing and placement service for posters in size A0, which costs €32.50.

To request this service, please select it HERE before October 29 at 23:59 (GMT+1) and make the payment by the deadline. If the payment is not confirmed before the deadline, this service cannot be guaranteed.

To ensure your poster is included in the service, please follow these guidelines:

  • Use the template provided by the organization to prepare your poster.
  • Submit your poster file (in PDF format) with the file name being the number assigned to your poster. The file must be sent before November 4 to
  • The dimensions should be 841 mm width x 1,189 mm height, as specified in the template provided by the organization.

Please note that the organization solely provides the printing service and is not responsible for the content, format, font size, image quality, etc., of the posters.

If you have any further inquiries, please contact


From here you can download the templates to make your communications:


1 To present a work, at least the corresponding author must be registered to the Congress at the time of work acceptance. The name of presenting author will be indicated in the submission form.
2 All authors who sign the work must be indicated on the platform by completing the following fields: Name and Last name, Mail, Work Center, City and Country.
3 The abstracts for the oral presentations as well as for the posters will be submitted via the submission form. The length of the abstract must be between 250 and 300 words.
4 Each registered author may submit up to three abstracts, and may be co-author in a maximum of 5 abstracts.
5 The title should always be written in capital letters with a maximum of 15 words.
6 The work center (without detailing faculty, department, etc.) and province of each author must be written in Sentence Type and in the corresponding language and separated by commas, except the country that will be written in English followed by a period (Example: Universidade do Porto, Porto, Portugal.; Universitat de València, Valencia, Spain).
7 In case that the authors do not meet the guidelines, the organization committee reserves the right to edit the information provided by the authors in the abstract, specifically in the fields: “authors”, “work center” and “province/state”, in order to meet the guidelines indicated above.


The book of abstracts (with ISSN) is published by Ediciones Pirámide, and will be available soon. You can access here to the previous editions.