Chronic pain in children and adolescents.

Pain is a common experience in children and adolescents. In the case of chronic pain, research has shown that not only is the prevalence high (Huguet & Miró, 2008), but it is also increasing (Roy et al., 2022), as well as the prevalence of the most severe cases (Miró et al., 2022). In fact, the World Health Organization considers chronic pain to be a disease in its own right (World Health Organization, 2020).
Research has also shown that one of the main barriers to effective management of chronic pain is the lack of training among professionals. Therefore, one of the most important and decisive steps to improve the situation is precisely to facilitate training and promote the dissemination of research results beyond the walls of the laboratories.
This symposium serves this function. On the one hand, it aims to promote interest and sensitivity to the problem of chronic pain in a community of professionals who are especially interested in improving the quality of life of children and young people. And, on the other hand, it aims to share research data that will benefit the practice and care of the pediatric and adolescent population with chronic pain.
The symposium consists of 4 interventions. The first, introductory, will show recent data on the problem, discuss its implications, and briefly present possibilities for action. The second will present an assessment tool that is intended to facilitate the diagnosis and evaluation of this population. The third will address the process of transitioning from acute pain to chronic pain, focusing on a particular case, such as surgical pain. The fourth is related to a particularly neglected population, such as people with severe intellectual disabilities, which will present a proposal for assessment and training for caregivers.
University of Rovira i Virgili, Tarragona. Spain
Jordi Miró is a Doctor in Psychology, Professor of Health Psychology at the Rovira i Virgili University (URV), and a distinguished ICREA-Academia researcher.
He is the Director of the Pain Study and Treatment Unit at the URV, the URV-FG Chair of Childhood Pain, and the Master’s Program in General Health Psychology at the same university. He is one of the main researchers of the Catalonia South International Campus of Excellence (CEICS).
He is the principal investigator of ALGOS, a consolidated pain research group recognized by the Government of Catalonia. He is the founder and first coordinator of the Childhood Pain Working Group of the Spanish Pain Society. He is currently the coordinator of the Spanish Network for Research on Childhood Pain (REDIN; a structure funded by the Ministry of Science and Innovation) and the International Network on Chronic Pain in Childhood (IN-ChildPain; a structure supported by the ERA-NET NEURON).
Dr. Miró has promoted and presented the Lima Declaration on Childhood Pain (Lima, Peru; August 2022). He has more than 200 publications related to pain and has received different awards for his research on pain. Recently, he received the recognition of research excellence from the Government of Catalonia for the second time and the Research Trajectory Award in Childhood Pain from Fundolor.
Dr. Miró is a Counselor of the International Association for the Study of Pain.