University of Coimbra, Portugal

Behavior problems in preschool children have an impact on parent and teacher-child relationships and on children´s social relationships with other adults and peers, resulting in more conflictual interactions, less prosocial behaviors than other children and a higher risk of peer rejection and of experiencing adjustment problems and academic underachievement. An understanding of both the parenting and teacher behaviors that contribute to the development of those problems and their long term prognosis has resulted in the development of a range of interventions; in particular, of behavior based parenting skills interventions which have been adopted to improve the quality of parenting and thus the outcomes for the child. The Incredible Years Program is an evidence-based program designed to help the promotion of children’s mental health, through training of parenting and teaching skills, strengthening the relationship between parents, teachers and children and increasing the understanding of several developmental aspects and temperamental child’s characteristics. In this symposium results about research recently done in Europe with the IY Programs will be presented. In the first communication, the main goals and design of a project implemented in Portugal between 2015 and 2016 will be discussed. In the second presentation, data regarding the implementation of brief raising awareness workshops with the IY Parenting Program in nine primary health care centers will be presented and barriers to the implementation of parenting groups in this context will be discussed. Next, the third communication will discuss results regarding the implementation of the Incredible Years Teachers Classroom Management Program (TCM) with 65 preschool teachers who participated in a randomized trial. Finally, the fourth communication will focus on discussing the main mechanisms of change and genetic moderators with parents who participate in an IY parenting group.

Tatiana C. Homem, Phd in Clinical Psychology (Faculty of Psychology, University of Coimbra, Portugal). She is a researcher in the project Incredible Years for the Promotion of Mental Health, which was supported by EEA grant (2015-2016); and in the project Prevention/Intervention in behavior problems: the efficacy of parental and school programs (2010-2013). She is a Child and Adolescent Clinical Psychologist at Psikontacto. She works as a Mentor in Training for the Incredible Years Basic Parent Programme and is a Certified Leader and Supervisor for the Incredible Years Basic Parent Programme, and Teaches Parental Interventions and Child Psychopathology in different Post-graduations. Her areas of interest are: parenting; parenting interventions; involvement of fathers in parenting interventions; child and adolescent behavior problems; family and school relationship.


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