Congress registration
Early Registration |
Early Registration
Late registration |
Late registration
(until July 19) | (after July 19) | |||
Regular | 304 € | 265 € | 354 € | 315 € |
Members of Red Infancia Associate | 229 € | 190 € | 284 € | 245 € |
Members of collaborating entities | 254 € | 215 € | 309 € | 270 € |
PhD students and residents | 189 € | 150 € | 244 € | 205 € |
Students / profesional unemployed / members of NGOs (*) | 134 € | 95 € | 189 € | 150 € |
Deadline for online registration: 9th November
Once the deadline has passed, you will have to formalize your registration at the venue.
The condition of student applies to students of undergraduate and master programs. If you are a student and a professional as well, regular registration fee will be applied. Student status must be justified by registration receipt in force at the time of enrollment at the e-mail
The condition of professional unemployed must be certified by a public document issued by employment agency.
The condition of professional NGOs must be justified by a certificate issued by the head of the workplace.
The spaces reserved for students and unemployed professionals may be limited depending on demand.

List of collaborating entities
General Council of Psychology of Spain
Spanish Association of Clinical Psychology and Psychopathology (AEPCP)
Association for Research in Infant & Child Development (ARICD)
Belgian Association for Psychological Sciences (BAPS)
Colegio Colombiano de Psicólogos
Croatian Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies (CABCT)
Ordem dos Psicólogos Portugueses (OPP)
Sociedad Chilena de Psicología Clínica (SCPC)
Sociedad Española de Psicología Jurídica y Forense (SEPJF)
Sociedad Española para el Avance de la Evaluación Psicológica (SEAEP)
Sociedad Española para el Avance de la Psicología Clínica y de la Salud (SEPCyS)
Sociedad Española para el Desarrollo y Estudio de la Psicología (SEDEP)
Sociedade Brasileira de Psicologia (SBP)
The European Society for Prevention Research (EUSPR)
Congress attendance
Publication of accepted abstracts in the book of abstracts with ISBN
Submission and presentation of works (a maximum of three abstracts as first author, and in total, you can participate in a maximum of five abstracts)
A certificate of presentation for each presented work in which all authors will be listed
Attendance certificate
Congress dinner (cocktail type): (not included if you have selected quota without dinner)
To attend the congress, you must fill the registration form out that you will find in the link below, but first, you must have registered on the same link. After your registration, you can formalize your registration, download your invoice (once you have paid), submit your abstracts, download documentation, etc.
* Tarjeta Visa or Mastercard bank card through TPV (please have your card ready as we will ask you for some digits when filling in the form).
* Transferencia Payment by bank transfer (if the payment has already processed, you can upload thereceipt in your personal área or sending it via email to: La Caixa IBAN: ES37 2100 8729 1913 0043 0112 (BIC/SWIFT: CAIX ES BB XXX)
Aitana Asoc. para el Análisis intervención y terapia aplicada con niños y adolescentes
CIF: G98601396
Plaza Alquería de Culla, 4
46910 Alfafar (Valencia). España

Friday, Nov. 18. Hotel Huerto del Cura at “Salón Canónigos”.
Carrer Porta de la Morera, 14. 03203 Elx
Unique in the world, the Hotel Huerto del Cura is in the heart of the Palmeral de Elche, declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO.
The dinner will be cocktail style, do not forget to select it in the registration form.

If you want to register to the next 8th International Congress of Clinical and Health Psychology in Children and Adolescents click on the link below and follow the indications.
- The registration implies acceptance of the rules of congress and their conditions of participation and cancellation.
- Registration for the conference is non-transferable.
- Cancellations must be submitted in writing.
- Cancellations received before July 21, 2022 shall be entitled to full refund of the amount paid after deducting bank charges due to bill returns.
- Cancellations received by September 15, 2022 shall be entitled to a refund of the amount paid less 25% administration fees plus bank charges.
- Cancellations received after September 16, 2022 shall not be entitled to a refund.

With the sponsorship of

With the support of