Mindful parenting and parental self-efficacy: benefits for children
Mindful parenting has been described as paying attention to the child and parenting intentionally, here and now and without judgment (Kabat-Zinn and Kabat-Zinn, 1997). It is the opposite of behaving in autopilot mode in a parent-child relationship, and fosters a higher quality relationship in which parents are sensitive and responsive to the child’s needs, open to the child’s behavior, and able to regulate their own emotions before acting (Duncan et al., 2009). This symposium focuses on the benefits of Mindful parenting and other positive features of parenting at various developmental stages. The first paper presents the adaptation of the Mindful Parenting Questionnaire (IM-P; Duncan, 2018) for infants aged 4-18 months and its relationship with maternal depressive and anxious symptomatology and infant temperament. Specifically, we study whether mindful parenting mediates the relationship between maternal depressive and anxious symptoms and infant temperament. The second paper presents the mediating effect of attachment dimensions on the relationship between the facets of mindful parenting and the difficulties and qualities shown by pre-adolescents. The third paper presents a scale that assesses children’s perspective on their parents’ parenting behavior and provides data on the moderating factor that mindful parenting plays when children are victims of cyberbullying. The fourth paper focuses on a different parental variable, parental self-efficacy, in the context of child-to-parent violence. Using parent-child dyads, it examines the role that perceived self-efficacy of the parental figures may be playing in mitigating the effects of child-to-parent violence.

Ester Calvete
University of Deusto. Spain
Esther Calvete is a lecturer and researcher at the University of Deusto. Her line of work is focused on psychological problems in adolescence, in which she studies vulnerability and resilience factors. She is the author of numerous scientific publications on these topics and is the associate editor of journals such as Mindfulness and Research on Child and Adolescent Psychopathology.


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